ThreeWakasatEveninginThe AutumnwithReference toTea Ceremony
Takeo R. M. Nakagawa
This paperis concerned with the three Wakas at evening in the autumn, which may be most popular and are compiled in Shin-Kokinwakashu[1].Waka is a short literal sculpture based on pointillism, and filling enormous amount of contents regarding emotion and/orscenery.The first common characteristic pointof these three Wakasisto bepausedat the end of the third phrase, respectively.The second characteristicpoint is that the fifth phraseis common.They describe lonely scenery at the mountain, swamp, andsea shore, respectively, at evening in the autumn without using any subjective literal expression.It is, therefore, suggested that they become the symbol of simpletea ceremony, and provide the original idea to establish the standard rules.Japanese people have beencontinued to be influenced by the rules in their dailylivesfor a long time
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