Commentary - (2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

The possibility advances of the information technology in the research field
Deniz UNAL*
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cukurova University, Turkey
*Correspondence: Deniz UNAL, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cukurova University, Turkey, Email:

Received: 03-Dec-2021;Accepted Date: Dec 17, 2021; Published: 24-Dec-2021


The concept of knowledge economy used here to mean “economy where knowledge is the main engine of economic growth” (Chen & Dahlman 2005). This is a position for many countries, both developed and developing, aspiring. European Union strategic policy, agreed upon Lisbon in 2000 was that ten years later, Europeans would be living in highly competitive areas, too knowledge-based global economy. Many countries expect ICT transformation to develop their economy and transition to an information economy. The knowledge economy is based on information technology - those systems collecting, developing and converting information to support high value services as well procedures. In line with this, a broader ‘knowledge society’ is expected to develop, with information used to improve public services such as health and education.

Challenges facing technical education and training and crafts in the 21st year. The century seeks new and innovative ways that focus on students (UNESCO 2002). ICT is now being considered by many governments as an important part of the response, The demand-driven TVET program is tasked with meeting the needs of students so that it can be flexible individual training. This is especially evident in Australia, Korea, USA and Europe. The challenges facing TVET programs are well documented and will not exist has been considered here but we will highlight five commonly allowed drivers development of ICT in TVET - information economy needs, expansion for ICT in the workplace, the need to expand access to basic skills education and training, shortage of qualified teachers and the need to provide opportunities to further professional development, retraining and skills development.

It is noted that the official TVET sector is required to respond a is constantly evolving the labor market and new emerging businesses sectors that tend to focus on technology. “Flatter hierarchical frameworks, as well as decision-making, implementation and control, as well increase the need for high quality skills and training, and the result has been increased employee responsibility. ICT is accelerating this management styles and changes in the global workforce” (UNESCO, 2002: 61). TVET programs require redefined policy approaches and strategies for delivering the appropriate curriculum to meet these criteria. This is a problem. Even in developed countries, the ability of public services gather the labor market information needed to understand trends once and for all changing needs is not always available or early. Often there is no match budget training and retraining for existing TVET teachers to meet the goals of the new strategies as they woke up. We return to the challenge of developing TVET teachers over time.

The increasing use of ICT in industry and business has created a flexible workplace that TVET institutions should try to do imitating the presentation of the curriculum. ICT is everywhere workplace level development of ICT skills has become a major issue training the business itself. TVET institutions responsible for pre-employment training need to address this need for skills as they do everything other technical and professional skills required by the industry. This too means re-empowering current employees with the skills needed to in line with this new reality (International Labor Office 2011). Continuous technological innovation means that institutions must they have structures that support continuous development and transformation procedures. This includes new, innovative organizational structures degree structures, and methods for defining and assessing skills.


The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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