
Ghumare Pramila, Dattatraya Jirekar, Shailendrasingh Thakur, Ramesh Ware, Mazahar Farooqui

The wealth of India is stored in the broad natural flora which has been gifted to her.  Endowed with a variety of agro-climatic conditions, India is a virtual herbarium of the world. The importance of medicinal and aromatic plants has been emphasized from time to time.  It is accepted that the drug of natural origin shall play an important role in health care, particularly in the rural areas of India. India is having a high knowledge of phototherapy from Ayurveda, and still, hundreds of potent drugs are yet to be evaluated scientifically.  Keeping this in view, we reviewed one of the potential trees whose leaves and other parts also have a potent traditional application, but it has not been much studied. 


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